Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February Part 1 - The "New" Stadium

The Month of February has come and gone, and along with it the wonderful distraction of the Olympics. I must admit I am a big fan of the Olympics and truly believe we should share a Coke and not a gun. This was an opportunity to educate ourselves about all aspects of the games: the bad budgeting, the world opinion, the stories of triumph, the pride felt in Canadians and to me, most importantly, the impression of innocence at this time in our lives. What did our kids get out of Olympics?

For our family this wonderful sense of “Canada” couldn’t have come at a better time. This gigantic "look shiny" gave much needed distraction from the many obstacles we face, and what better way to refocus than by cheering for athletes, and the concept of being healthy with the spirit of competition.

For the Olympics we dressed up the house, the car and ourselves, Brianna and her friend Chloe even created a “New” Stadium to help Canada win more gold medals! Their little construction and production was perfect timing as Canada started to win more golds and went on to break the record for the amount of golds won by a nation.

Throughout this event, our family rose to sing the Canadian national anthem (repeatedly) and I found my eyes filling with tears of joy, as my heart filled with pride and my mind with profound thoughts. We hope that you enjoyed this once in a lifetime opportunity and we would like to share with you the our Canadian spirit, the New Stadium and the unseen Gold Medal in Kitty Cat Hockey.